Caring for Your New Look: Brushing After a Temporary Crown in Brighton

Same Day Crown Brighton

Caring for Your New Look: Brushing After a Temporary Crown in Brighton

By Brighton Healthy Smiles

In addition to detracting from the cosmetic appeal of your smile, chipped, cracked, or broken teeth can make it more difficult for you to chew comfortably. Thankfully, same-day crowns in Brighton have become available because to developments in dental technology, providing a quick and easy way to restore the appearance and functionality of your smile. But having a temporary crown while your permanent one is being made creates concerns about how to take care of it, especially when it comes to brushing. Can you clean your teeth following the insertion of a temporary crown? This comprehensive guide answers your questions and offers vital post-placement maintenance advice for your temporary crown.

Understanding The Temporary Crown: A Bridge Between Smiles

The restoration that is placed on the prepared tooth while your permanent crown—made at Brighton Healthy Smiles using state-of-the-art technology like CEREC®—is being constructed is called a temporary crown, commonly known as a provisional crown. The purpose of temporary crowns, which are often made of acrylic or a mix of acrylic and metal, is to:

Preserve The Prepared Tooth: The temporary crown shields the exposed tooth structure from bacteria, sensitivity, and potential harm while you wait for your permanent restoration.
Maintain Function: It helps you chew and speak appropriately by holding your teeth in their proper locations.
Preserve Aesthetics: By merging in with your natural teeth, temporary crowns are designed to appear natural in the interim.

While there are many advantages to temporary crowns, it’s important to keep in mind that they are not as strong as permanent crowns. To preserve the integrity of your permanent crown and avoid any issues, it’s critical to know the right care procedures before having one installed.

Brushing and Beyond Caring for Your Temporary Crown

In order to keep your teeth healthy after receiving a temporary crown, you should wash them gently and carefully:

Use a toothbrush with gentle bristles to lessen the chance of making scratches or loosening the temporary crown. Electric or hard-bristled toothbrushes are not recommended due to the possibility of crown damage from the pressure they exert.

Make use of soft brushstrokes. When brushing your teeth, take care to clean every surface, paying particular attention to the region around the temporary crown. Especially in the parts nearest to the edges, a vigorous cleaning may dislodge the crown. Avoid this at all costs.

Fluoride toothpaste helps to prevent tooth decay and improves oral health in general. But if you have any particular sensitivity issues or questions about toothpaste selection, speak with your dentist.

Flossing cautiously Plaque and food particles between teeth may be removed by flossing, but the area around the temporary crown requires special attention. Dental floss should be used gently, side-to-side motions; “snapping” the floss might apply excessive pressure on the crown and could cause it to come loose. To make cleaning the area surrounding the temporary crown simpler, think about utilizing a water flosser or floss threader.

Continue to practice healthful habits: In addition to brushing and flossing, exercise proper oral hygiene by not eating ice, hard items, or sticky meals since these might harm the temporary crown

Beyond Brushing: Additional Care Tips for Your Temporary Crown

Here are some additional tips to ensure the longevity and stability of your temporary crown in Brighton

Prefer softer meals and refrain from biting into hard or difficult items with the temporary crown. This will help you to chew normally but prevent overcrowding on the temporary crown.

Tell your dentist if you have any concerns: Get in touch with your Brighton dentist straight away for a professional assessment and possible repair or replacement if you feel any discomfort, sensitivity, or damage to the temporary crown.

Plan the implantation of your permanent crown: Recall that the temporary crown is just supposed to be a short-term fix. For best results and a long-lasting repair, follow the schedule your dentist recommends for placing your permanent crown.

You can make sure that your temporary crown in Brighton looks good and works well until your permanent crown is ready by learning the value of good maintenance and using these gentle brushing methods and extra care advice.

Brighton Healthy Smiles: Your Partner in Comprehensive Dental Care

In order to construct long-lasting and aesthetically beautiful permanent crowns, Brighton Healthy Smiles uses cutting-edge technology like CEREC®. This ensures a smooth transition from your temporary crown to your repaired smile. Every step of your dental treatment will be handled with individual attention and direction by our skilled dental staff. Make an appointment with our helpful team in Brighton if you have any questions or concerns about brushing methods, temporary crowns, or other dental requirements.