
Importance of Child's Space Maintainers

If your child loses a tooth prematurely due to decay or an accident, it's crucial to preserve the gap to avoid future dental issues when the permanent teeth start to grow. Without a space maintainer, the adjacent teeth may move into the open space, obstructing the growth of the permanent tooth. This could increase the likelihood of requiring orthodontic treatment.

Types of Space Maintainers

Space maintainers, which can be either removable or permanently cemented to the teeth, can be constructed from stainless steel, plastic, or a combination of both.


A removable space maintainer looks much like a retainer with plastic blocks to fill in where the tooth is missing. If your child is older and can reliably follow directions, a removable space maintainer can be a good option.


Fixed space maintainers come in many designs.
A band-and-loop maintainer, constructed from stainless steel wire, is secured by a crown or band on the tooth next to the vacant area. The wire is connected to the crown or loop and leans against the side of the tooth at the opposite end of the gap.
When the back teeth on both sides of the lower jaw are missing, a lingual arch is utilized. This involves positioning a wire on the tongue side of the arch, which is then connected to the tooth preceding the vacant space on both sides. This method prevents the front teeth from moving backwards into the empty space.
If a second primary molar is lost before the first permanent molar erupts, a distal shoe might be suggested. This is because, without the first permanent molar, there's no tooth to secure a band-and-loop space maintainer. A distal shoe device, which has a metal wire that goes slightly under the gum, can prevent the space from closing.

Caring for Your Child’s Space Maintainer

There are four basic guidelines for maintaining your child's appliance.
  • Prevent your child from consuming sticky foods like candy and gum.
  • Advise your child against pushing or pulling the space maintainer with their fingers or tongue.
  • Ensure the cleanliness of your child's space maintainer by promoting proper brushing and flossing.
  • Regular dental check-ups with a pediatric dentist should be maintained for your child.

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