
Comprehensive Dental Bridge Solutions

A dental bridge is a procedure used to replace one or more missing natural teeth. Unlike removable prosthetics, this bridge is permanently attached to the adjacent teeth, removing the need for removal and cleaning. Each bridge is custom-made for the patient, ensuring a natural and genuine appearance. Typically, these fixed bridges can last for many years before a full replacement is required.

Why do you need a dental bridge?

If you're missing a tooth and either want to sidestep dental implant surgery or aren't a suitable candidate for it, a dental bridge could be an excellent substitute. A bridge can rejuvenate the look and function of your smile. Additionally, it can stop adjacent teeth from moving or becoming too crowded.

Who Is A Candidate For A Dental Bridge?

Our dental professionals will evaluate your teeth to see if a fixed bridge is an appropriate solution for you. To ensure a perfect fit and secure positioning, the bridge will be placed over two neighboring teeth. Generally, larger bridges tend to be less stable. If we determine that the bridge might not offer enough stability on its own, we might recommend using implants for additional support.

What happens during the dental bridge procedure?

We'll start the procedure by numbing a specific area of your mouth with a local anesthetic. Next, we'll shape and file down the teeth around this area to make room for your new fixed bridge. During this, we'll take impressions to help us create both a temporary and a permanent bridge. After this, you'll leave with the temporary bridge and will need to return for a second visit to get the permanent bridge fitted. At this visit, we'll remove the temporary bridge and securely fit the permanent one using a dental-grade adhesive. We'll then polish and adjust the new bridge as needed. We'll also give you guidance on how to brush and floss around the bridge to make sure it lasts as long as possible.

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